I think that Lanza, like Caruso, might have been a bit of a ham. But what the technicians forget when they criticise tenors and sopranos who are hams is that opera is also about drama. It is not sufficient simply to hit all the notes, you have to sell the song as well. Caruso could sell a song. Even though it is totally over the top to do a big sobbing intake of breath in an opera aria as Caruso does in Pagliacci I still love it because he is swept away by the drama of it all.
Give me the sobbing, give me the hams.
Gosh, little guy at the table, this is a really nice post.
As you know, I am a great fan of Mario.
You have a really great Christmas 'son of a roller mum'!
You guys should come out here for tea in January.
Good idea. Tea sounds nice.
See how Grandad's fashion is sort of ok, but all the woman's fashion has horribly dated?
Seriously, if you have any ham give it to me.
Fashion dated?
Those pants of yours would still work... though, you'd need a bigger pair now.
I'll give you some ham when you come to tea.
For those of you paying attention I would just like to say that I went to Richard's house for tea and he didn't give me any damn ham.
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