For along time I thought that JFK was the one I should admire. I discovered recently that it was his brother Robert. He is the one I should admire more because he was allowed four more years than his brother and his wisdom was hard won.
His speeches are not as initially moving as his brother's speeches, but they have more truth in them because he had done more suffering, and thought more about it.
Like my other great personal hero, Martin Luther King Jnr., he came to be, after decades of thought and bruising experience, anti-war, anti-capitalist, believing in the basis of good society which is love.
I strongly, strongly recommend that you visit the website called "American Rhetoric" and listen to the speeches of Robert Kennedy who was the last (?) hope of America and was gunned down in the same year as Martin Luther King Jnr. was gunned down. Listen to his brother Ted read out his eulogy, listen to his voice break. If you no longer allow yourself to weep, weep.
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