I broke my collar bone on Thursday. This was quite painful. The guy in the ambulance kept asking me to rate my pain on a scale, but I couldn't decide if I was a three or a four. I didn't want to say four because I was present at Eleanor's birth and I would say Cathy spent a lot of time on four and five so I felt I knew what a four looked like.
Personally I think guys should carry this chart around with them at all times. Women and managers always want to know how we're feeling and guys don't like talking about that sort of stuff. We could just pull this out of our pockets and point to the right picture. For example, if we were asked how we felt about receiving a "you didn't do your duty" slip I could pull out the diagram and point to one, while Richard could point to a zero.
Like Richard I went to see Ornette Coleman last night. I think Richard is giving Ornette a four, I don't think he would go as far as a five because I think if he were asked to make a choice between a seventeen hour labour and a 90 minute Ornette Coleman concert he would choose the concert. I give Ornette a zero.
I have been present at the births of two children. Mr Coleman qualifies for a five.
I'm not talking to you anymore. Well, maybe later today.
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