I've been playing music since I was about fifteen or sixteen. When I was that age I thought that if you really were into rock music, and bothered to learn the guitar and were full of "feelings" and desperation and need then you would one day be discovered and become a rock star.
I was wrong. Wrong about the level of my talent and wrong about the world.
Most of me is reconciled to playing for my own enjoyment, but there will always be a part of me that hates myself for being so lame.
Wasn't your name supposed to be legend? Weren't you supposed to be dead by 32?
That's the kind of stuff you think when your 21.
(While listening to 'Transmission' for the first time.)
Ian Curtis: I sound like Bowie
Lindsay Wilson: That's good.
Ian Curtis: I fucking hate Bowie! In all the young dudes he says you should die before you turn twenty five. He's fucking thirty.
Tony Wilson: Yeah, well Yeats wrote some of his best poetry in his sixties.
Ian Curtis: Who?
Tony Wilson: William Butler Yeats was the greatest poet since Dante and if he'd died before he was thirty . . .
Ian Curtis: I'd have fucking heard of him Tony!
24 Hour Party People
How long's this Dim-Post thing been going on, eh? You sly dog. Personally, I hope National get in this year so they can take the blame for the catastrophic world economic collapse we're about to slide into.
On another note: your script was fantastic for the 48 hour film thingy. Well done.
I've only been doing the DimPost for a couple of weeks. I've put the archive links on the main page in case anyone such as yourself is inclined to look at the earlier stuff. There's not too much.
Thanks for the feedback about the script - I was pretty happy with the finished product, the post-production guys did some incredible stuff. We cut a few scenes but you and Maggie are still in there and you're both pretty damn funny.
I'm listening to your interview: I'm pretty sure I heard the DJ guy say: 'So you listen to Joni Mitchell and other African Funk?'
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