This is a picture of Susan Sontag, not Leni Riefenstahl. Sontag died in 2004. I like to make quick, superficial judgements about people and my quick, superficial judgement about Susan is that she was really cool:
"Mozart, Pascal, Boolean algebra, Shakespeare, parliamentary government, baroque churches, Newton, the emancipation of women, Kant, Balanchine ballets, et al. don't redeem what this particular civilization has wrought upon the world. The white race is the cancer of human history." Sontag later offered an ironic apology for the remark, saying it was insensitive to cancer victims.
In 2001 she had this to say about 9/11:
"Where is the acknowledgment that this was not a 'cowardly' attack on 'civilization' or 'liberty' or 'humanity' or 'the free world' but an attack on the world's self-proclaimed superpower, undertaken as a consequence of specific American alliances and actions? How many citizens are aware of the ongoing American bombing of Iraq? And if the word 'cowardly' is to be used, it might be more aptly applied to those who kill from beyond the range of retaliation, high in the sky, than to those willing to die themselves in order to kill others. In the matter of courage (a morally neutral virtue): Whatever may be said of the perpetrators of Tuesday's slaughter, they were not cowards."
Smart, annoying people like this are needed in droves.
Susan had something to say about Leni.
"Susan had something to say about Leni."
...and I bet we're getting that next.
R (of BRoB)
"Like guns and cars, cameras are fantasy-machines whose use is addictive. However, despite the extravagances of ordinary language and advertising, they are not lethal. In the hyperbole that markets cars like guns, there is at least this much truth: except in wartime, cars kill more people than guns do. The camera/gun does not kill, so the ominous metaphor seems to be all bluff - like a man's fantasy of having a gun, knife, or tool between his legs." (from On Photography, 1977)
Yeah, good old Susan.
Sounds like a simple example of penis envy to me.
I can't wait to read Danyl's take on this post. I bet he copies out some long winded article.
R (of RBB)
Sounds like a simple example of penis envy to me.
I'm one of the few men who has that.
If I could have a tool between my legs I think I would go for a screwdriver. In the past I would have said a corkscrew, but now all the bottles have screw caps.
Whatever I post about everyone just ends up talking about penises. I think I'll talk about my penis next time and see what happens.
Go and read:
National Hoodie Day.
Danyl is worried about his penis.
I mean, is it deformed? Is it a Nazi among penises (should that be penu or peni, or something... who knows Latin?) and does it restrict the rights of other penises? By that I assume I mean that he tries to double date, but in the last successful part of the date(accepting that all is going to plan).
Danyl, I think you owe us all an explanation.
If you don't give me a satisfactory reply I'll set John-Paul on you with his 'screwdriver-for-a-dick'!
R (of RBB)
I've just read http://dimpost.wordpress.com/
and decided that I am an idiot!
Well done, Danyl.
R (of R idiot BB)
I deleted this from the original post:
"She looks like Anthony Bourdain in drag."
I feel that this is a true but dumb thing to say.
One day I hope I'm famous enough to be put on some arsehole's blog and mocked.
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