Corran wanted to enter a band in the Rockquest. In 1990 the Rockquest was called the CocaCola Rockquest and it was in its third year. I'm not really sure why Corran believed it was possible for us to do this because about half the band had little to no experience of singing or playing their designated instrument. The other flaw in the plan was that Corran really could play his instrument and had very high expectations of us.
I can vividly remember the exact spot at Kapiti College where we came up with the breathtakingly silly name of our band. The others were wandering along playing with words that would go with touch when I suggested perverted. Someone else switched touch to thrust and the "magic" happened. They were the adjective and noun that had always wanted to be together. Perverted Thrust. The name was sealed when Corran performed a series of demonstrations of what a Perverted Thrust might look like. You have to remember that this was a time when The Young Ones was a popular comedy show. Oh, and we were a bunch of 17 year old guys.
"Tell me more,
Tell me more,
Did you get
Very far?"
By the way, if had won and become a famous band, the first thing you should have done was fire whoever was responsible for your hair!
Hey, I just noticed! The wallpapering still isn't done!
Lazy bugger, forget all this crap about bands and give your poor old mum a hand!
Hey, you could use that haircut as a pasting brush!
Man of Errors? You should name this blog 'Perverted Thrust'. It'd do wonders for your hit count.
oh god whatever happened to the band with that awesome name
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