I bought my first guitar off Paul Brown. Paul Brown is such an amazingly dull name that we used to joke we would get T-shirts made saying: "I know Paul Brown".
I think Paul must have joined my class about halfway through fifth form. Suddenly there was a weedy alabaster Brit sitting next to me in Social Studies. He seemed friendly. He was always talking to me and laughing. For two weeks I honestly had absolutely no idea what he was saying. I took smile and nod to new levels. After a fortnight some part of my brain must have adjusted and I could miraculously understand him. We were great mates for the rest of secondary school. Every mufti day he would show up like he was dressed for a tennis match; all in white. I asked him why. He told me that it made him look tanned.
Paul Brown used to listen to a lot of Led Zeppelin and The Beatles. This means that he had taste. I was still labouring under the impression that bands like Bon Jovi were hard rock.
There was a very odd trend in the 80's for "hard rock" bands to become known for their solitary lovey-dovey acoustic ballad: Poison - Every Rose Has its Thorn, Extreme - More than Words, Mr. Big - To Be With You. I think it was Mr. Big that finally annoyed me sufficiently to break away from 80's hard rock hair bands and start listening to actual hard rock. I still have a soft spot for Bon Jovi though. I can remember singing You Give Love a Bad Name at the top of my lungs with two friends outside the gym at Kapiti College. I think the trick to Bon Jovi was that they didn't take themselves too seriously (this photo aside). Very important to have a sense of humour if you're going to dress like this.
Or this. Here I am all dressed up (?) to see Nureyev perform at the Wellington Festival of the Arts. There aren't going to be anymore hair shots in this genre so savour it. Out with the permed mullet, out with the snare drum, out with Bon Jovi - here come the bad boys of the 80s.
There's an aura around you in this shot - take a close look, it's mostly yellow with a bit of green. Have you been getting into spiritualism? Is this to notify us more sensitive readers that you're about to have a 'brush past' with the big guy?
R (of RBB)
I still have a soft spot for Bon Jovi: Wanted Dead or Alive, Bad Medicine . . . great times.
NB the classic 80s hair metal acoustic ballad was Love Bites by Def Leopard.
Is there an 80s metal acoustic ballad called "I'm teacher of the week"?
Just a small favour, if you would.
You know at the top of your blog where it says,
"Time, gentlemen, time."
...would you mind changing it, just for a week so that it reads,
"Richard Prowse, teacher of the week - 8/8/08 to 14/8/08."?
Thanks, in anticipation, for that.
When the heavy metal bands played their lovey dovey songs they always had to sit down to play their acoustic guitars. I 'm not sure why that was. Maybe they couldn't hang them down around their dicks. I've never been a fan of heavy metal and I hoped the hair dresser metal bands of the 80's would scare people away from that type of music. Thank god for Ozzy,
Thanks for the TOTW thing, but you got the dates wrong.
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