- God
- The Red Cross
- Battery Farming
So handy when you have to run the gauntlet of leaflet handers on a Saturday. But wait, there's more.
Tired of having to select expensive cards for an endless variety of occasions? Try this:

Just sign and send. Seconds saved here can be spent cruising pointless websites or watching advertising on television.
As the farmer said to the vertically challenged fencer,
"Why the short post?"
I thought each post was supposed to be a mini novel, or something.
Hey, following your line of thought though, here's one for Daryl:
"Hard hitting potitical post."
One request. Just for fun, can you temorarily change the title of your blog to MAN OF ERRORS AND DARYL? Please!
The birth of another curmudgeon.
It happens to us all eventually.
The birth of another comeinyourpants? No thanks!
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