I mainly buy two things from Amazon: (1) foreign arty movies, and (2) wanky, literary books. As a result of this Amazon has recommended I buy a whole range of gay and queer films and books. Recently it asked me if I would be interested in the DVD: Target your female fat zones. I can only conclude from this that Amazon believes I am a body-conscious lesbian.
Image courtesy of: © Marie-Lan Nguyen / Wikimedia Commons
On first reading I agree that this sounds silly but, having considered it for a while, I think your female fat zones could benefit from a bit of attention. After all, look at what the book did for Susan. Well, not much really, But it was a start.
You're a lot older than me (emphasis on A LOT), and it strikes me as strange that you don't know that commenting on weight is EXTREMELY dangerous territory. If I find you dead in a Richard with a John-Paul shoved up your nasus I'll know what happened.
...having soiled my John-Pauls?
You claim this wasn't a comment about Snouty's weight but on rereading it I have to say that it is.
Well shove a John-Paul up my nasus.
Nasus can also be quickly rearranged into anus's. Take your pick.
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