Music - The world won't listen

The gospel according to Morrissey:

  • Sweetness , sweetness, I was only joking when I said I'd like to smash every tooth in your head

  • I thought that if you had an acoustic guitar then it meant you were a protest singer. Oh I can smile about it now but at the time it was terrible

  • She was left behind and sour, and she wrote to me on the hour, she said: "In the days when you were hopelessly poor... I just liked you more."

  • Don't forget the songs that made you cry and the songs that saved your life, yes, you're older now and you're a clever swine, but they were the only ones that ever stood by you

I got this record from the World Record Club. They posted them to you wrapped in cardboard after you ordered out of their catalogue. It's always nice to get something in the mail. It was nice then and it's even nicer now when most stuff in the letterbox has the word bill in it somewhere.

The Smiths have been my favourite band for about fifteen years, but when I first got this record I didn't really like it. It was too sophisticated for a fourteen year old (I can just see Dr. Ahcir smirking as he reads the word sophisticated). I truly came to love The Smiths in the very chaste bedroom of a girl at university. I was doing unrequited love at the time and she said that when she heard The Boy With the Thorn in His Side she always thought of me. It was a very apt choice.

The boy with the thorn in his side / behind the hatred there lies / a murderous desire for love / how can they look into my eyes / and still they don't believe me / and when you want to live / how do you start? / where do you go? / who do you need to know?

I was an emo.


Richard (of RBB) said...

Dr. Ahcir scourns:
"when most stuff in the letterbox has the word bill in it somewhere."
Most repuests for money do not contain the word "bill".
Luap Nhoj, you Malasyian imitator.

JY said...

Firstly, what?

Secondly, repuests? Malasyian? You're in your underpants again.

Thirdly, Malaysian? Really? I always though Luap Nhoj sounded more Nepalese.

JY said...

I used to reverse the first letters of people's names when I was in Japan. The best two were:

Tony Byrne = Bony Turn


Randy Hunt = Handy Runt

JY said...

And, finally, I didn't come in on Tuesday because some prat crashed into my car and I had to call the insurance company and go to the garage and all that crap, and I didn't come in today because the creche called at 8.30 and said Eleanor was running a fever so I've been looking after her all day.