Interlude VI - Richard

Richard sits in the corner of the kitchen. I believe the model number is 3565-KP-Whiteboy. You have to buy special bags for it.
At the moment Richard is thinking about The Wellingtonian (and why it has not been recycled), bread, and sausage packets.
Eleanor likes to go over to Richard, lift up the top of his head and see what's inside. This makes me very annoyed because what's in Richard's head is very dirty and I don't want it all over Eleanor's hands. Also what is inside people's heads should stay there and not get pulled out and left all over the kitchen floor (for example).
I quite like Richard. You can stand on his foot and his head comes open.


Richard (of RBB) said...

When you invite me to tea, I will bring John-Paul and put him inside Richard. This will be a moral victory for me; the logic of this victory is hard to describe.

JY said...


I already invited you to tea but you weren't paying attention.

When you come to tea I might hide Richard.

Eleanor is pulling a banana peel out of Richard as I type this.

Richard (of RBB) said...

Get her hands out of me!

JY said...

I put you on the dining table. You're safe there (although you mightn't want to come to tea anymore).

Richard (of RBB) said...

Thanks for looking after me.
By the way...
You're safe in the bathroom cabinet.

Richard (of RBB) said...

Thanks for looking after me.
By the way...
You're safe in the bathroom cabinet.

Richard (of RBB) said...

I said that twicw; rubbish bins sometimes do that.

Richard (of RBB) said...

I also made a typing error.

Anonymous said...

So does that mean Richard's insides are cleansed every week, and replaced with a new lining?
