Passport - She could be tidying up

I was going to write something about going to Auckland. Something like:

"It's a lot nicer than I remember it being."

But then I thought that was a bit long so I'd like to change that to:

"It's nice."

I had an English teacher in Form One that forbade the use of the word nice. Whenever we wanted to say nice we ended up saying things like:

"It was good. Not really good, but, you know, better than average. Pleasant"

And everyone in the class (including the teacher I bet) was thinking - "he means nice".

I went to a primary school that streamed. I was in the mediocre class, between the brainy class and the cabbages. Sometimes I would ace my English tests and beat everyone in the brainy class. This annoyed the teachers because I think they felt people in the mediocre class should be mediocre at everything, and not have hidden talents or personalities or something. It was alright though because I was pretty mediocre at everything else.

I was pretty dim at school really. Things just sort of passed me by. For example, it was only after I had been away from school for about fifteen years that I realised that the funny man in the bat cape who came into our class and told us very odd stories once a week was actually giving us religious instruction. What on earth did I think was going on at the time? It certainly never occured to me to believe that the stories were true.

You might think, based on what I have just said, that my next thread will be about memories of the old school yard. That would be a reasonable thought. Actually, I could cover my reflections on school for you right now:

It was horrible.

There. That wasn't too bad.

Actually my next thread is about the little book to the right. I got it ten years ago and it is about to expire.


Richard (of RBB) said...

General Custer read your post and said,
"Mio Dio, la bambina `e molto bella ma il uomo `e suonato!"

JY said...

For those of you not fluent in Italian, Captain Custard said:

- My God, the little girl has a beautiful homo for a father.

Thanks General, your thoughts are appreciated.

Richard (of RBB) said...

'uomo' means man.
He actually said,
"The little girl is very beautiful, but the man has a screw loose."
...and please don't call him captain custard, he's feeling very sensitive right now.

JY said...

custard, custard, custard.


Sitting Bull

Richard (of RBB) said...

White man speak with fork tongue.