On Saturday at 2.30pm I will be featured (yes, that's right, featured) on Access Radio, 783AM. This will put me 29 minutes and 45 seconds in deficit with my 15 seconds of fame.
You can go to the Access Radio website and listen to previous interviews on Terry's Songwriter Show.
I wasn't used to be taken seriously. It's hard to take me seriously. My students don't.
Post-script: To find the interview go to the Access Radio website (accessradio.org.nz) and click on Music. Scroll down until you get to Terry's Songwriter Show and then click on the speaker icon next to my miss-hyphenated name.
It's not one of the great interviews, nor one of the great live performances, but it's likely to be the only time I'm on radio.
Can I reccommend flying the Grob - it's safer
You can, but I don't know what you mean. Imagine we're having a conversation and I am nodding politely and you're thinking "he doesn't get it".
"You can, but I don't know what you mean. Imagine we're having a conversation and I am nodding politely and you're thinking "he doesn't get it"."
I wouldn't presuppose the status of your sex life
Sgt Sam
Flying the Grob is an old Scottish custom. One Scotsman lifts up his kilt and pees onto the other guys' drinks. They all laugh and then someone punches him; with intent.
Not many Scotsmen are inclined to play Flying the Grob these days, as they're all turning into city slicker pansies.
R (of RBB)... from the Richard's Bass Bag Encyclopedia (sometimes inaccurate, I'm told)
ps. I'll be listening.
R (of RBB)
The English equivalent of this strange scottish practice is called 'Grabbing the Fly' but that sounds a bit gay.
I wish you guys would restrict this crap to your blog "THE HAPPY GAY-LICK" and not sully my site.
"Is this a post about Elvis?"
This line could become bigger (in blogging circles) than:
"Avin' a laugh?"
R (of RBB)
Rook a1 to a4
I think Tiddlywinks would be a more appropriate game to base the universal struggle on.
I listened to Access Radio and heard JY. Well done.
R (of RBB)
I also listened. It is interesting putting a voice to the name - it was good.
I like the Christmas in Japan scenario, it must be interesting being in another culture at an iconic time
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