Looking into the depths of the branches reminds me of the idea that you can see the infinite (sorry, Richard) by getting smaller and smaller as well as bigger and bigger in scale. When Eleanor was a new born I would look at the skin on her face when she was sleeping. I found that it was only if I took my glasses off and leaned in until I was almost pressing my nose against her cheek that I could actually see her skin. It existed in a whole other layer of fine detail that you cannot see in a glance.
Like sketching, writing this blog has made me notice the year a bit more. I have decided to return it to its former shape because I like it better. Even though this is a generic template it still suits me more than the other thing I was mucking around with. I also miss the gravestones (like I miss Nostradameus on RBB). While I was looking over the year of posts on this blog I realised that for the first time in my life I have actually managed to keep a diary for an entire year. I have quite a collection of abandoned diaries around the house so this is a real landmark.
I'm going to go back and tidy up some of my old posts and then put them on the list to the right. So far I've only done one. It was January, there was a sense of optimism in the year, Richard had a spring in his step and a rising sense of dread in his stomach. Even though school was drawing inexorably closer he knew he could get some relief by hitting the bottle and reading: My Mother's Records.
hola me llamo Cookie
Me gusta zanahoria
Tus blog es muy aburrido
Como se dice estomago en espanol?
Yo no se
nice shots.i like them
beautiful backyard,nice view
Richard, what the hell is happening?
I don't know. Try writing some shit like I do - it might scare them off!
Try mentioning a bass bag... you have my permission.
Bass bag, bass bag, bass bag (this is strangely liberating)
Whoever you are (Anon, Coolio, Fire and Ice, and Flower) thank-you for your unexpected comments.
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