
As I got older I got cockier. I started to think that I knew stuff. Turns out I didn't know anything. I've taken my lessons this year from Eleanor. She turned one today.


  1. Even though I'm a misanthropist with a pessimistic view of human nature I learned that one of the first things we find out how to do after we're born is smile and laugh.
  2. We take things for granted about being human. You have to learn how to do everything. You have to learn that you exist, that your hands are your hands, that you can move them, that you can do things with them. Every single one of us walking around, so sure of ourselves, so confident in our gestures and expressions, began not even knowing that we existed.
  3. And I learned what unconditional love is.

Happy birthday, Eleanor.


Richard (of RBB) said...

Wow! A very attractive young lady! Her dad must be a good looking man!
What? What do you mean? JP's the dad?
Ah well, he must be doing something right!

hix said...

Happy birthday, Eleanor!

JY said...

Hello "Hix", how's it going? I glad you restrained yourself to one exclamation mark. The clown above you used three, and three question marks. Punctuation (and a witty blog) is no compensation for a personality.

hix said...

Me? I've been not responding to your very kind email invitation to come over and visit. I must rectify that.