[The] fascist aesthetic... flows from a preoccupation with situations of control, submissive behaviour, extravagant effort , and the endurance of pain.
Sounds like a bunch of Spartans with a death wish to me (JY)
Fascist art displays a utopian aesthetics - that of physical perfection.
Oh, the poor old hunchback. Even though he is devoted to the Nazi regime he must be rejected because he is handicapped and will spoil the perfect functioning of the Aryan machine. Let's not even go into the opening scenes where imperfect babies are tossed off cliffs. (JY)
Fascism also stands for ideals that are persistent today under other banners; the ideal of life as art, the cult of beauty, the fetishism of courage, the dissolution of alieanation in ecstatic feelings of community; the repudiation of intellect, the family of man. These ideals are vivid and moving to many people.
I have absolutely no hesitation in calling 300 a movie that promotes fascism. This is probably unsurprising; what was surprising for me was that my students all admired the Spartans in 300, and that many of the ideals that the movie expresses are vey close to ideals that we are taught to admire in our own culture.
What's the Chinese word for Nazi?
I wouldn't mind betting it's Razzi.
Sorry, I'll be serious.
Are you going to start a Nazi party? If you do, can I be Goebbels?
"Currently being a little serious to annoy Richard."
It's working.
"toidi na m'I"
You can't just write things backwards and expect them to be deep!
A system of government marked by centralization of authority under a dictator, stringent socioeconomic controls, suppression of the opposition through terror and censorship, and typically a policy of belligerent nationalism and racism.
A political philosophy or movement based on or advocating such a system of government."
Just trying to get my head around this .... why would you teach this at school? What's next? Maybe devil worship? "Ok class today we will study serial killers!"
"Just trying to get my head around this ...."
I've just changed to firefox and I now see a comment by someone called Greg with a photo of Robert.
"Just trying to get my head around this .... why would you teach this at school? What's next? Maybe devil worship?"
What about: Start your own school and make christianity compulsory. Teach it as fact and expect every student to accept it as fact. Throw in a little guilt to the young ones... and a little fear of burning for eternity. Yes, I can see that working.
ps. You won't believe this!!!
True though, my word verification is 'vukuuf'!!!
Why would I teach about the Nazis at school? Gee, I don't know.
Thanks for the tips about other lessons though.
Part of that thanks is directed at me.
R (of RBB)
I don't think I would be allowed to teach devil worship because I work in a state school, but I might be able to do serial killers. We could start with Jack the Ripper, and work our way up to the late 20th century.
Why not begin with the serial killers and mass murderers in schools (e.g. Columbine). This might have more resonance with the students and if not might frighten the little fuckers into behaving themselves and sitting up straight etc.
"You're a blot on my record"
Better than being a mark on your toilet paper, I suppose.
I'm an idiot.
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