Straight to the Richard

Sergeant Sam made me reflect on two things.

Firstly, the guy with the moustache on the cover of the Soft Cell album looks a little bit like a certain music teacher at Wainui High (with a moustache... in the 80s).
Secondly, there are some bands that you spend your life defending because they did "one good song". For a long time I defended Tiffany because she did I Think We're Alone Now, and then one terrible day I found out that it was a cover. Recently I discovered that Tainted Love by Soft Cell was also a cover.
When I find this sort of thing out, well, it's straight to the Richard with their reputation. Sorry, Tiff.


Anonymous said...

I'm back, so watch your tongue, fly boy!
Richard (of RBB)

Anonymous said...

I hope you're keeping the Richard clean.