"He sees how men have to rob their brothers in order to live. He sees children starving and women working sixty hours a week to get to eat. He sees a whole damn army of unemployed and billions of dollars and thousands of miles of land wasted. He sees war coming. He sees how when people suffer just so much they get mean and ugly and something dies in them."
I remember this anger. It still comes on me sometimes. It comes on me in the middle of advertising on television, it comes on me in the classroom. But the anger turns into sitting on the couch, and a failure even to toss change to the poor.
In Vietnam a little boy followed me around offering to polish my shoes. He wanted money, but he disguised it as an offer to polish shoes. He wouldn't stop following me around. I hid in shops and he would wait for me to come out. I was shopping. He was begging.
He still follows me around.
But how can he? He's in Vietnam! Oh, I see... sad little boy, but he's probably following someone else now... found someone new. I wonder if they remember him too?
No, I brought him home in my suitcase. He follows me around the house. And my damn shoes still need a clean.
Don't wear the boots on wet days.
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