My struggle to read Mein Kampf

Curiously the banner advertisement above the Project Gutenberg edition of Mein Kampf is: Learn Biblical Hebrew On-Line.

I am doing this post for two reasons:
  1. Richard is expecting Sontag

  2. Wine Guy put something about Mein Kampf in a comment that really surprised me

"The book made a tremendous impression on me. I became a confirmed National Socialist after reading the first page. I felt a man who could write such a book would undoubtedly lead Germany. I felt very happy that such a man had come." - Leni Riefenstahl

What surprised me was the idea that anyone could read any part of this book and think it was good.

Whenever I teach about the Nazi's at school there are usually one or two students that want to read Mein Kampf. I think this is normal. I think the best way to cure anyone of the notion that Hitler was cool is to actually give them a copy of Mein Kampf, so I do. Actually, I just give them a photocopy of a chapter. Reading a chapter is enough. No one with a healthy mind wants to read anymore.

I have always prefered Hitler's original title for the book: Four and a Half Years of Fighting Against Lies, Stupidity and Cowardice. The best thing about this title (aside from length) is that I can imagine Don Brash releasing his memoirs with the same title today (or Roger Douglas, or any other "misunderstood" politician. We should keep in mind that being "misunderstood" in a democracy really means that people don't like you very much).


Anonymous said...

I don't even know who the fuck Sontag is!
R (of RBB)

Anonymous said...

The chick in the previous post. She looks a little pensive though . . . c'mon, give me a smile pussycat.

Richard (of RBB) said...

I hope that your next post is about groups and that you heavily edit it!