In the children's books from the 1970s the Dads are absent because they're at work. Quite often you just have to assume this because the Dad isn't even mentioned. In this book Dad is at work, but we get to see him at the end of the day when he comes home and suggests dinner out at a cafe.
This is one of the few children's books from my childhood I can actually remember. It still delights me. I love how everyone is polite while something absurd and impolite occurs, and I love the ending; the little girl lugging home a big can of tiger food in case the tiger comes again... but he never does.
It strikes me that the substitute fathers in both these books are wild animals. I suspect this isn't a compliment. Still, girls seem to like us anyway. Even the big ones who should know better.
Some days I hate school.
Monday to Friday?
Yes, those.
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